Premier visits Colesberg this Women’s Day

Packed to the rafters at the Lowryville community hall, Colesberg residents were eager to hear what was on the province’s first citizen, Dr Zamani Saul’s mind this Woman’s Day, 9 August. By 9am the premises were teeming, scores milling outside for seating they would not get, what with the hordes that had enthusiastically descended.

In the company of Regional Chairperson Khathazile Tolong and much of the provincial executive – the Northern Cape Premier was greeted warmly by the Mayor of Umsobomvu, Mzwandile Toto, who, keeping to theme, had a message fashioned to the commemorations at hand. “The world would not move without women…there will be no better men without women,” said the mayor. Also he could not stress enough how crucial women empowerment was to “opening doors of investment.”

A resounding performance by the Colesberg Primary and Umso High choirs had everybody up on their feet. Their shrilling iimbongi causing stirs and ululations from the dashing audience in women’s league regalia complete with the traditional doeks. The two schools have done the community exceedingly proud, bagging a respectable second placing at a recent regional choir competition.

The Premier, literally a towering figure two-stepping alongside the Colesberg Primary outfit was in upbeat spirits. Up his sleeves were some inane niceties about his ex classmates at Umso High, some jibes at men who can’t even cook yet compete with women for catering tenders, but first there were the pressing reasons why he had come.

Women empowerment. Gender-based violence. What is to be done?

He began with a cursory lesson on the historical significance of the day, highlighting how in 1956 some 20 000 women marched down to the Union Buildings in protest against the carrying of the “very humiliating” dompass. Then positing the question: “What does that sacrifice mean today?” [My emphasis]

Getting “the girl-children in school” and “increasing the number of girls who pass matric” was something he attached great emphasis on. Of the 307 000 school learners across the province, said Dr Saul, 49% are girls. Although this is a slightly slimmer figure to their male counterparts, at a recent graduation ceremony at the Sol Plaatjie University he was pleasantly surprised to discover that 62% of graduates were women.

On the issue of gender-based violence (GBV), a national scourge that has been on an unnerving incline, the Premier said that it “is not a women problem, but men.” And that government “commit [themselves] to the total onslaught of gender-based violence.” Furthermore he added that, “if you are more educated you are less likely to be subjected to abuse.” Here he urged the community not to turn a blind eye to incidents of children not being at school. (An aside: Toverview will be running a follow-up story on this). He believes that if your own children are at school but your neighbours’ aren’t, chances are yours is the first house they will break in to should they turn to criminality.

Dr Saul did begrudgingly admit that the first quarter of this year’s crime statistics did not reflect favourably on the province. Incidents of sexual assault and rape were on the incline. On this score he has welcomed the appointment of Lieutenant General Koliswa Otola, a “tough” woman, as the provincial police commissioner. “Every police you see, she is their boss.” This was met by the quintessential, “you strike a woman, you strike a rock” from the cheering crowd.

The day was not only about serious issues though; there were also sweeteners to be dished out. R100 000 to the cheerful Colesberg Primary choir. Another R150 000 to their Umso counterparts. R10 000 was earmarked for at least 30 identified women-owned businesses – the Gogo Dlaminis who sell you coffee on your way to work or stitch up your torn trousers. According to the Premier’s Facebook page a total of R5.3million was also said to be “made available for small women businesses and enterprises in the area.”

Nthabiseng Majiya, the Banyana Banyana starlet from dustblown Phillipos was also handed a whopping R100 000 cheque. You might remember her as the feisty juggernaut who slammed away a gobsmacking goal against Botswana at the recent WAFCON.

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